Deciduous tree

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As a deciduous tree all trees from the group of angiosperms called to distinguish them from the conifers of the jaw-like . Lignified plants of the bedecktsamer (also shrubs, dwarf shrubs) are called hardwoods or deciduous trees .

The plant communities dominated by deciduous trees are the deciduous forests . The Central European deciduous trees belong to the genera maples ( Acer ), alders ( Alnus ), birches ( Betula ), hornbeams ( Carpinus ), hawthorns ( Crataegus ), beeches ( Fagus ), ash trees ( Fraxinus ), holly trees ( Ilex ), apples ( Malus ), poplar ( Populus ), stone fruit trees ( Prunus ), pears ( Pyrus ), oak ( Quercus ), willow ( Salix ), flour berries ( Sorbus ), Linden ( Tilia ) and elm ( Ulmus ).


  • Keywords hardwood and deciduous forest. In: Peter Schütt , Hans J. Schuck, Bernhard Stimm (Ed.): Lexicon of tree and shrub species. Special edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-933203-53-8 .

Web links

Wiktionary: deciduous tree  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz Ellenberg : Vegetation of Central Europe with the Alps from an ecological point of view. 4th, improved edition. Ulmer, Stuttgart 1986, ISBN 3-8001-3430-6 , p. 27.