Bibi Jawindi's tomb

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Tomb of Bibi Jawindi, front view.
Bibi Jawindi's tomb, rear view. The condition of the tomb is very bad, most of it has collapsed.

The tomb of Bibi Jawindi is a mausoleum in Uch Sharif in the province of Punjab in Pakistan . It is located in the southwest of the historic city.


The mausoleum was built in 1494 for Bibi Jawindi, a great-granddaughter of Sufi Jahaniyan Jahangasht . The masterpiece of Islamic architecture is in acute danger of collapsing; the remains are in a desolate state.

In 2004 the mausoleum was put on Pakistan's tentative list together with four other buildings from Uch Sarif , which contains proposals for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List .

Web links

Commons : Tomb of Bibi Jawindi  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 29 ° 14 '27.3 "  N , 71 ° 3' 9.1"  E