Gregor Louis or Environmental Foundation

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The Gregor Louisoder Umweltstiftung (GLUS) is a private, non-profit foundation based in Munich .


The foundation, established in 1995 from the legacy of the textile entrepreneur Gregor Louisoder , has committed itself to “ protecting and restoring the natural foundations of life for people, animals and plants ” and also supports the commitment to “ comprehensive and future-proof nature and environmental protection. “It was founded by Louisoder's last wife Martha Louisoder and his son Bernd Louisoder (1937–2019). According to their own information, the foundation's assets are currently around 24 million euros.

The foundation is a member of the German Nature Conservation Ring .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b About us. In: Gregor Louis or Environmental Foundation. Retrieved November 28, 2018 .
  2. Foundation directory - Gregor Louis or environmental foundation. In: Foundation register - Foundation register Bavaria. Retrieved November 28, 2018 .
  3. Florian Tempel: Wholesale to Garching - Tagwerk leaves Dorfen - Erding - Sü In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. July 1, 2016, accessed November 28, 2018 .
  4. a b Gregor Louis or Environmental Foundation | Members | The DNR | German nature protection ring. In: Deutscher Naturschutzring. Retrieved November 28, 2018 .