Griebel (family, Schleswig-Holstein)

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Griebel is the name of a family from Schleswig-Holstein.


The first documented members of the family came from Holstein, possibly from the area around Plön . Before 1754 a man named Claus Griefel or Griebel died here, who had worked in Plön as a bow and rifle clamp and then as a wood forester for the Duke of Plön . He had a son named Leopold August (1705–1774), who worked as a teacher and organist at the Ratzeburg city ​​school . He married Anna Sophia Vanselau (1711–1752), with whom he had five children, including Ernst Leopold (1740–1807). He was the first known person in the family to move to Dithmarschen and married twice. He had 18 children who were the ancestors of the bearers of the surname who still live in Dithmarschen. Ernst Leopold Griebel worked as a higher court and government lawyer in Meldorf. His first marriage was to a woman from the large Johannsen family, from which many officials from Norder- and Süderdithmarschen came. He concluded a second marriage in 1789 with Margaretha Boeckmann (1766-1845), whose father was the Meldorfer bank director Matthias Boeckmann.

The son Leopold Matthias Griebel (1781–1858) came from Ernst Leopold Griebel's first marriage . He worked first as a pastor in arbitration , later in Warder . Friedrich Griebel was one of his sons . He worked as a local judge in Meldorf and appeared temporarily during the Schleswig-Holstein survey . Of his six children, only three daughters were alive when he died. One of them was Minna (1850–1946), who wrote stories in High and Low German under the stage name Minna Greif . The daughter Lucie (1854–1922) worked as a teacher in Kiel and wrote among other things as "Eva Treu" for the home . None of the daughters married and had no children.

The second son of Ernst Leopold Griebels named Anton Christian Friedrich (1782–1855) married Amalia Christiana Margaretha Johannsen (1784–1843). Her father was the Norderdithmarscher Landvogt Christian Matthias Jakob Johannsen. In 1813 Anton Griebel succeeded his father-in-law as governor; In 1837 he went into retirement. He was a budget adviser, knight of the Dannebrog order and Dannebrog man.

Ernst Leopold Griebel's youngest son Friedrich (1788–1861) worked as a Landespfennigmeister in Norderdithmarschen. In this position he held an important position in the self-government of the region for a long time. He had a son named Theodor Griebel (1838–1875) who, as a lawyer, was a leader in the politics of the Augustburg movement until after the duchies were annexed to Prussia . He didn't have any children.


  • Dietrich Korth: Griebel family . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 129.