Grigory Fedotowitsch Krivoschejew

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Grigoriy krivosheyev ( Russian Григорий Федотович Кривошеев , scientific transcription Grigory Fedotovič Krivošeev *  15. September 1929 in Kinterep, Rajon Iskitim , Novosibirsk Oblast ; † 29. April 2019 ) was a Russian military historian and Colonel General a. D. the Russian Armed Forces .


As an officer in the Soviet armed forces, Krivosheev graduated from the Frunze Military Academy and held the degree of candidate of science (equivalent to the doctoral degree). From 1995 he was a professor at the Military Academy of the Russian Armed Forces . In addition, as a military historian, he was a member of the editorial board of the Wojenno-Istoritscheski Schurnal (German military history journal ).

Krivoschejew became known in 1993 through the publication of the book "Grif sekretnosti snjat". This dealt with the losses of the Russian and Soviet armed forces in the wars of the 20th century on the basis of briefly released archive holdings. The book was translated into English in 1997. The work was also received positively in the German Military History Research Office and translated internally. However, a German edition was not published, as many of the loss details turned out to be too low compared to German archives. Often the number of German prisoners was higher than the quoted total Soviet casualties and prisoners.

The problem lies less with the Russian publisher than with the deficiencies in the Red Army's reporting system. Operations that went ingloriously and were quite costly were in part covered up in Soviet tradition during the Stalin era, so that no loss figures are available. "

- Grigory Fedotowitsch Krivoschejew

Russian historians such as Boris Vadimowitsch Sokolow also doubt the numbers in Krivosheev's book. In 2001 Krivoschejew published another book on this subject.


Individual evidence

  1. КРИВОШЕЕВ Григорий Федотович ,, accessed April 30, 2019 (Russian).
  2. Военно-Исторический Журнал 2 (2006), No. 7, p. 2 (Russian).
  3. ^ Karl-Heinz Frieser : The battle in the Kursk arch. In: ders. (Ed.): The Eastern Front 1943/44 - The War in the East and on the Side Fronts. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich 2007, p. 153, fn. 23.
  4. ^ Boris F. Sokolov: The Battle for Kursk, Orel and Char'kov - Strategic Intentions and Results. A Critical View of the Soviet Historiography. In: Change of tide in World War II? - The battles of Charkov and Kursk in the spring and summer of 1943 in operational structure, course and political significance. Verlag ES Mittler & Sohn, Hamburg / Berlin / Bonn 1996, pp. 69-88 (English).