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Grophon ( ancient Greek Γρόφων ) was a Greek sculptor from the island of Melos , who worked in the late 7th or early 6th century BC. Was active.

Grophon is known from two signatures, one of which was found on Melos and the other in the sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia . A column made of Parian marble has been preserved from Melos , which is now in the possession of the Berlin Collection of Antiquities . The inscription is on it

παῖ Διός, Ἐκπℎάντοι δέξαι τόδ 'ἀμ [ε] νπℎὲς ἄγαλμα ·
σοὶ γὰρ ἐπευκℎόμενος τοῦτ 'ἐτέ [λ] εσσε γρόπℎον.

whose last word was regarded as an unclear verb form for a long time until the inscription could be interpreted correctly by Anton Elter . Until then, the name of the founder Ekphantos was also regarded as an artist name. It is assumed that the statue was an image of Athena , as it was donated in her honor. That Grophon is a Melier is evident from the inscription from Olympia, in which the ethnicon is given. This inscription is on fragments that also come from a column made of Parian marble.



  1. Inventory number SK 1458.
  2. Inscriptiones Graecae XII 3, 1075 .
  3. Inscriptions from Olympia 272 ( digitized version )