Guang junpu

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Guang junpu ( Chinese  廣 菌 譜  /  广 菌 谱  - "Extended Mushroom Manual") is a manual by Pan Zhiheng ( 潘 之 恒 ) from the Ming period. The work, published in 1500, deals with over ten species of mushrooms. In addition to the mushrooms, the blue-green alga Nostoc commune ( dì'ěr , 地 耳  - "literal ground ear") and the umbilical lichen Umbilicaria esculenta ( shí'ěr , 石耳  - "literal stone ear , rock ear"; Japanese iwatake ) are treated. It is contained in the Shuofu xu book collection ( 說 郛 讀  /  说 郛 续 , “Continuation of the 'Shuofu' book series”) and is an important source of the history of Chinese eating and drinking culture.

The title of the work follows on from the 1245 published Handbook of Chen Renyu ( 陳仁玉  /  陈仁玉 ) from the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) entitled Junpu ( "Mushroom Handbook") to which eleven species of edible mushrooms , their growth period , Harvest time, shape, color and their taste are explained in relatively detail.
