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Gugelingen (Guglingen) is a deserted village south of Baden-Baden .


Gugelingen was an allod owned by the Lords of Lichtenberg . In their rule Lichtenberg it was part of the Lichtenau office . In 1335, the middle and younger lines of the House of Lichtenberg divided the country. The office of Lichtenau - and thus Gugelingen - fell to Ludwig III. von Lichtenberg , who founded the younger line of the house.

In the middle of the 15th century, Gugelingen was still part of the Lichtenau office, later it fell into desolation, the exact time for this is not known.


  • Fritz Eyer: The territory of the Lords of Lichtenberg 1202-1480. Investigations into the property, the rule and the politics of domestic power of a noble family from the Upper Rhine . In: Writings of the Erwin von Steinbach Foundation . 2nd edition, unchanged in the text, by an introduction extended reprint of the Strasbourg edition, Rhenus-Verlag, 1938. Volume 10 . Pfaehler, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 1985, ISBN 3-922923-31-3 (268 pages).
  • Wilhelm Mechler: The territory of the Lichtenberger to the right of the Rhine . In: Société d'Histoire et d'Archaeologie de Saverne et Environs (Eds.): Cinquième centenaire de la création du Comté de Hanau-Lichtenberg 1480 - 1980 = Pays d'Alsace 111/112 (2, 3/1980), p 31-37.

Individual evidence

  1. Eyer, p. 56.
  2. Eyer, p. 239.
  3. Eyer, pp. 79f.
  4. Mechler, pp. 33, 35.