Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson

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Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson (born June 13, 1981 in Reykjavík ) is a politician of the Icelandic pirate party Píratar .

Gunnar Hrafn studied at the Open University of Hong Kong and the British Open University . In 2005 he received a B.Sc. (Hons) from the Open University - Social Sciences. He has worked as a journalist , including for a computer magazine and for The Reykjavík Grapevine , from 2008 to 2016 as a reporter for RÚV , Iceland's public broadcaster, and also as a stand-up comedian .

In the parliamentary election on October 29, 2016 , Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson was elected as the Píratar candidate for the constituency of Reykjavík-South in the Icelandic parliament Althing . In 2017 he was a member of the parliamentary committee on justice and education. In the parliamentary elections on October 28, 2017 , he lost his seat in the Althing.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson ( Icelandic ) Althingi. September 14, 2017. Retrieved September 16, 2017.
  2. Oddný Helgadóttir: No, the Pirates didn't win Iceland's elections. Here's what happened instead ( English ) In: The Washington Post . October 30, 2016. Retrieved September 16, 2017.
  3. ^ Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson ( English ) Althingi. Retrieved September 16, 2017.
  4. Bergljót Baldursdóttir, Dagný Hulda Erlendsdóttir: þessi hverfa af thingi ( Icelandic ) In: . Ríkisútvarpið . October 29, 2017. Retrieved October 29, 2017.