Gunnar Landtman

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Gunnar Landtman in British New Guinea .

Gunnar Landtman (born May 6, 1878 in Helsinki , † October 30, 1940 ibid) was a Finnish ethnologist , philosopher , sociologist and anthropologist . He was a student of Edward Westermarck .


Grave of Gunnar Landtman in the Hietaniemi Cemetery in Helsinki

1910-1912 he ran fieldwork in British New Guinea , where he discussed the Kiwai - Papua worked. Like Paul Wirz later with the Marind-anim in South New Guinea, he succeeded in capturing the last traces of a rapidly changing world of the indigenous people in the Kiwai district of British New Guinea. His ethnological oeuvre had a major influence on the late work La mythologie primitive by Lucien Lévy-Bruhl .

His major international work on the inequality of social classes was first published in London in 1938.


  • The origin of priesthood. Helsingfors, Ekenäs 1905 (Diss.)
  • Papualaists parissa: oleskelultani Uuden Guinean alkuasukkaiden keskuudessa (1914)
  • Folktales of the Kiwai Papuans. Acta societatis scientiarum fennicae, XLVII (1917)
  • Finlands väg till oavhangighet (1919)
  • Finlands svenska folkdiktning 7.1: Övernaturliga väsen, 1919
  • Johdatus filosofiseen ajatteluun (Inledning till det filosofiska tänkandet, 1920)
  • Immanuel Kant: hans liv och filosofi (1922)
  • Naturfolkens diktning och dess betydelse (1925)
  • Finlands svenska folkdiktning 7.2: Växtlighetsriter, 1925
  • Finlands svenska folkdiktning 7, 1927
  • The Kiwai Papuans of British New Guinea: A nature-born instance of Rousseau's ideal community, London, Macmillan 1927
  • Satumaa ja sen asukkaat: Kiwai-papualaiset Uuden-Guinean jättiläissaarella (1932)
  • Ett sagoland och dess infödingar: Kiwai-Papuanerna pa Söderhavets tropiska jätteö. Nature and culture 1931
  • Ethnographical collection from the Kiwai district of British New-Guinea in the National Museum of Finland, Helsingfors (Helsinki). A descriptive survey of the material culture of the Kiwai people. Helsingfors (Helsinki) 1933
  • "The origins of sacrifice as illustrated by a primitive", in: Essays presented to CG Seligman (1934)
  • Det rättas värde (1937)
  • The origin of the inequality of the social classes (1938)
  • Students under Finlands kampår 1898–1909, Helsingfors, Mercator 1940
  • It. Westermarck: Minnestal vid Finska Vetenskaps-Societenens sammanträde October 21, 1940, Helsingfors 1940


  • Heli Lahdentausta, Marjatta Parpola, Pilvi Vainonen and Pirjo Varjola (eds.): Satumaa ja sen asukkaat - Gunnar Landtman Papua-Uudessa-Guineassa 1910-1912, Paradise and the People Who Lived There - Gunnar Landtman in Papua New Guinea 1910-1912 . Helsinki, Museovirasto; ISBN 951-616-068-9 (exhibition catalog)
  • David Lawrence and Pirjo Varjola: Gunnar Landtman in Papua: 1910 to 1912 . ANU Press, Canberra 2010, ISBN 9781921666124 .

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