Guoda Burokienė

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Guoda Burokienė (born January 2, 1970 in Ukmergė ) is a Lithuanian politician and agricultural functionary , member of the Seimas since November 2016 .


From 1977 to 1984 she studied at Ukmergė 1st Middle School. After graduating from the Jonas Jablonskis Middle School in Kaunas in 1988 , she completed a degree in industrial engineering from 1989 to 1995 at the Kauno technologijos universitetas and became an industrial engineer . She worked for Sodra in Kaunas Rajongemeinde , from 2000 as a consultant in the Lithuanian Association of Farmers ( Lietuvos ūkininkių draugija ) and from 2002 at Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio rūmai . In 2001 she was co-founder of the Lithuanian Village Association Lietuvos kaimo bendruomenių sąjunga (LKBS) and chaired it.

She continued her education at the Tennessee Agricultural Institute in the USA, at (FAO) in Italy , Ireland , Slovenia and Sweden . She was also the lecturer of village politics training courses .

She is married. With the husband Deividas she has children Greta and Gerda.

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