Gyula (Archon)

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Gyula (Greek gylas ) was a Hungarian leader around 952.



The Byzantine chroniclers Johannes Skylitzes and Johannes Zonaras mentioned a leader ( archon ) of the Turks (Hungarians) named Gylas , who was probably baptized in Constantinople in 952. He was honored for this with the title Patrikios and received the monk Hierotheos as mission bishop, with whom he returned to his homeland.


For Skylitzes and Zonaras, Gylas was his name. In the 9th century Gyula was still a title of the second highest leader of the Hungarians. Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos still described the title for the middle of the 10th century. The Gesta Hungarorum (Anonymous) reported about a leader Gyla during this time in Transylvania , whose sons wanted to become Christians, and about a Geula as the maternal grandfather of the later King Stephan I. The Hildesheim annals mentioned a Gyla as the king's maternal uncle . Some Hungarian researchers assume an identity with the Transylvanian leader or one of his family members.


Web links

  • Anonymous Prosopography of the Middle Byzantine Period , No. 31391

Individual evidence

  1. Gesta Hungarorum , chap. 24 and 27; in detail on this Gyula Kristó : Early Transylvania (895–1324) . Lucidus Kiadó, Budapest 2013. ISBN 963-9465-12-7