Dealer framework agreement

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A trading framework agreement (also known as a supplier framework agreement ) is a contract between an electricity trader and a distribution network operator .

The network operator makes his electricity network available to the electricity trader so that the electricity trader can use it to supply his customers (see Section 20 of the Energy Industry Act ). For the use of the network pays electricity supplier a network fee , which it can then calculate its customers. The dealer framework agreement is thus a network usage agreement .

The general dealer agreement also regulates the registration and deregistration of customers (deadlines), data exchange (formats), the transmission of measured and metered values , liability, accounting, behavior in the event of payment difficulties and network interruptions. The electricity trader needs a balancing group for balancing , which he receives from the respective transmission system operator .

The purchase and sale of electricity are not part of the contract. The electricity trader can obtain this freely on the market (e.g. from the electricity exchange or from power plants ).

Related Topics: network access contract , terminal use agreement , grid connection agreement