Héctor Germán Oesterheld

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Héctor Germán Oesterheld

Héctor Germán Oesterheld (born July 23, 1919 in Buenos Aires , † 1978 ?) Was an Argentine journalist and writer.


Oesterheld came from a family of immigrants, his father was German , his mother Baskin . He studied geology at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and began his first literary experiments during this time. His debut as a journalist was featured in the features section of the Argentine daily “ La Prensa ”.

In 1950 Oesterheld married Elsa Sánchez in Buenos Aires and had four daughters with her; Estela (* 1952), Diana (* 1953), Beatriz (* 1955) and Marina (* 1955).

In 1957 Oesterheld founded the Ediciones Frontera together with his brother Jorge ; This publisher was intended as the basis for Oesterheld's own work, including his graphic novels , with which he had made a name for himself in the meantime.

When the junta led by General Jorge Rafael Videla came to power in 1976, Oesterheld was arrested and made disappear . A year later, his four daughters were arrested and probably suffered the same fate. The wife or mother Elsa Sánchez was one of the first members of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo organization , which protested for the first time on April 30, 1977. She was later elected as spokeswoman for the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo .

Works (selection)


  • Germán Cáceres: Oesterheld . Ediciones del Dock, Buenos Aires 1992.
  • Judith Gociol: Héctor Oesterheld . UNSAM, San Martín 2006.
  • Judith Gociol, Diego Rosemberg (ed.): La historieta argentina. Una historia . 2nd edition Ediciones de la flor, Buenos Aires 2000, ISBN 950-515-568-9 .
  • Roberto von Speaker: El eternauta. La sociedad como imposible; Modelos de sociedad en las obras de Héctor Germán Oesterheld . JCV Editorial, Córdoba 1998, ISBN 978-987-9323-01-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The silent dying in Buenos Aires in FAZ of March 15, 2016, page 13