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Since the revised Swiss Federal Act on Measures to Maintain Internal Security (BWIS) came into force on January 1, 2007, the HOOGAN database has been in operation, in which people can be recorded against whom one of the following police measures on the occasion of a sporting event in Switzerland has been taken has been decreed:

Stadium bans issued by the hosts against violent people can also be recorded .

The bill was subject to the optional referendum , which was taken by the BWIS referendum committee , but did not reach the required number of signatures. The committee received the Winkelried Award on the occasion of the Big Brother Awards 2006.

In the first year of operation, 264 people (including 263 men) were recorded, all of whom were banned from a rayon or a stadium. No other measures were pronounced. All cantons, the border authorities, fedpol and the Swiss Central Office for Hooliganism (SZH) have been using HOOGAN with direct access since the middle of the year. Since the beginning of January 2008, the organizers of sporting events have been provided with the data on request for the duration of a sporting event so that they can control the spectators and, if necessary, keep violent people away from the stadium. The database was also used at the 2008 European Football Championship .

Careful handling in accordance with data protection regulations and the immediate deletion of data after the event as required by law are regulated by the "Guideline for the use and processing of data from the HOOGAN information system by the organizers of sporting events and their security officers".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 05.065 - Dispatch on the amendment of the federal law on measures to safeguard internal security (measures against propaganda of violence and against violence on the occasion of sporting events). (pdf; 590 kB) The federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation, August 17, 2005, accessed on August 16, 2010 .
  2. Federal Act on Measures to Maintain Internal Security (BWIS) (violence propaganda / violence at sporting events), amendment of March 24, 2006. (pdf; 501 kB) The federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation, August 30, 2006, accessed on August 16, 2010 .
  3. pmz: Swiss Big Brother Awards given. heise online, November 17, 2006, accessed on August 17, 2010 .
  4. anw: Switzerland puts anti-hooligan database into operation. heise online, March 1, 2007, accessed on August 17, 2010 .