Hacking Challenge

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The English term Hacking Challenge ( German : "Challenge to hack "), also known as the Hacking Contest or Hackit , describes a task or a sequence of tasks in the field of hacking . Hackits offer a playful learning of IT . Programming , math , cryptography and logic tasks are dedicated to the basics of a computer system . Exploitation and cracking are also considered. Everyday protocols such as HTTP ( cookies ) and IP are brought closer to the participant in detail.

There are many static hackit sites that offer hundreds of different tasks. Timed hackit events are more likely to be referred to as CTF (capture the flag) . At some hacker conventions (e.g. Blackhat), a CTF is held annually in which professional hackers compete against each other.

Such tasks are mostly offered on special websites for people who are interested in computer security and encourage playful and sporty engagement with this topic. A similar concept are competitions in which a company or an organization tries to test whether a system is sufficiently secure and, in order to check this, calls for the system to be cracked. These competitions are usually endowed with comparatively high prize money in the range of several thousand euros. 

Individual evidence

  1. J. Leyden: $ 1m hacking challenge product is flawed. In: The Register of January 30, 2003
  2. Live Hacking Challenge at CeBIT. In: DSL-Magazin , February 16, 2001
  3. ^ K. Poulsen: Hacking Challenge Winners Allege $ 43,000 Contest Rip-Off. In: SecurityFocus , 26. November 2002