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Alipheros ( ancient Greek Ἀλίφηρος ) or Halipheros ( Ἁλίφηρος ) is a person of Greek mythology .

In the library of Apollodorus he is presented as one of the fifty nefarious sons of the Arcadian king Lykaon , who serve Zeus as a feast with the meat of a slain boy. Zeus then kills Lykaon and his sons with lightning. Pausanias reports that the sons of Lykaon were considered to be the founders of various Arcadian cities, with Alipherus being regarded as the eponymous hero of the city of Aliphera .



  1. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 8, 1.
  2. ^ Pausanias 8, 3, 1.
  3. Pausanias 8:26 , 6 ; Stephanos of Byzantium sv Ἀλίφηρα .