Collared scissors beak

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Collared scissors beak
Collared scissors beak (Rynchops albicollis)

Collared scissors beak ( Rynchops albicollis )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Plover-like (Charadriiformes)
Family : Laridae
Subfamily : Scissor beaks (Rhynchopinae)
Genre : Scissor beaks ( rynchops )
Type : Collared scissors beak
Scientific name
Rynchops albicollis
Swainson , 1838

The collar scissors beak ( Rynchops albicollis ), also called Indian scissors beak, is an Indian bird of the order of the plover-like (Charadriiformes).


The 38–43 cm long collar scissor beak is a large gull-like bird with a large head, long wings, short tail, red legs and a very long, red beak. The lower bill is significantly longer than the upper bill.

The plumage of the upper side is dark brown or black, the underside and the rear edges of the wings are white. He has a wide white collar, a black-brown cap that reaches down to the neck, the rest of the head including the forehead is white.


The occurrence is limited to the Indian subcontinent from Pakistan via northern and central India to Myanmar , each along larger rivers. As a winter visitor, he is in the western part of India and on the coast in Bangladesh .


The collar scissors beak feeds mainly on fish, insect larvae and shrimp, which it tries to catch by flying with its lower bill in the water close to the mostly shallow water. It is active both day and night.

Hazardous situation

The collar scissors beak is considered to be endangered ( Vulnerable ).


  • S. Ali: The Book of Indian Birds. Bombay Natural History Society, Oxford university Press, 13th edition 2002, ISBN 978-0-1956-6523-9

Web links

Commons : Collared Scissors Beak ( Rynchops albicollis )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence