Hamburg comparison (1693)

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The Hamburg comparison of September 29th jul. / October 9,  1693 greg. was an agreement concluded in Hamburg between Denmark and the Principality of Lüneburg .

The settlement ended the disputes about the fortification of the city of Ratzeburg made in the course of the seizure of the Duchy of Saxony-Lauenburg by Duke Georg Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Lüneburg . The Danish King Christian V viewed this as a provocation directed against Danish interests in Holstein and besieged the city at the end of August 1693 and largely destroyed it.

In comparison, Duke Georg Wilhelm committed himself to razing the fortifications (which had already been destroyed by the siege) and to keep only a small garrison in the city. The Danes undertook to withdraw their troops and to refrain from any further interference in the Lauenburg inheritance dispute.

The comparison paved the way for Guelph rule in Saxony-Lauenburg .