Han Deqiang

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Han Deqiang (韩德强; Hán Déqiáng, * 1967 ) is an economist and the most famous globalization critic of the People's Republic of China . He teaches as a professor of statistics at the Beijing Aerospace University .

Han Deqiang became known with his book Pèngzhuàng: Quánqiúhuà xiànjǐng yǔ Zhōngguó xiànshí xuǎnzé (" Clash : The Globalization Trap and China's Real Choice"), published in 2000 , which sparked heated discussions in China. In it, Han warned against China's entry into the World Trade Organization , which would primarily disadvantage the lower classes of China, the workers and peasants. In addition, he formulated a fundamentally sharp criticism of the “market belief” that afflicts the elites of China. Since there is currently no prospect of a general overcoming of capitalism , Han calls for protectionist measures and pleads for the development of a state-protected social market economy in China : the rules of world trade are in fact dictated by the USA , which, for example, would demand from China Open up the telecommunications market , while at the same time protecting their own textile industry from competition from China. Occasionally, Han was charged with anti-Americanism . He replied by pointing out that his only concern was to “defend the rice bowls of his people”.

The book made Han one of the most prominent intellectuals on the Chinese "new left". In 2003 he caused a stir by initiating a petition against the US Iraq war , in which the US government's Iraq policy was condemned in a far more harsh form than by the Chinese government. In the same year he made headlines at an international Marx conference in Havana , as he defended Mao Zedong and the Chinese cultural revolution in a lecture and warned Cuban intellectuals against orienting themselves towards the new Chinese "market socialism". Han claimed that the Chinese Communist Party no longer represents the interests of workers and peasants but is oriented towards capitalist elites.

Han also spoke out in the area of ​​health policy by criticizing the "westernization" of the Chinese health system and calling for greater reliance on traditional Chinese medicine .

As a “Chinese patriot ”, Han Deqiang advocates combining the achievements of the western tradition of thought, whose achievements lie in the handling of empirical data and in the construction of theoretical models, with the developments in the Asian tradition, which strives to understand the essence of things fathom. He calls on the left to strengthen its ethical foundations and to attach more importance to the fight against egoism .


  • Pèngzhuàng: Quánqiúhuà xiànjǐng yǔ Zhōngguó xiànshí xuǎnzé碰撞 : 全球化 陷阱 与 中国 现实 选择, Jīngjì guǎnlǐ chūbǎnshè 经济 管理 出版社 2000, ISBN 9787801189189 .
  • Sàmiù'ěrsēn «Jīngjìxué» pīpàn: Jìngzhēng jīngjìxué萨缪尔 森 《经济学》 批判 : 竞争 经济学, Jīngjì kēxué chūbǎnshè 经济 科学 出版社 2002, ISBN 9787505832596 .
  • Zhěngtǐ guǎnlǐ整体 管理, Zhōngguó shèhuì kēxué chūbǎnshè 中国 社会 科学 出版社 2007, ISBN 9787500464341 .

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