Hanbach (Heilbronn)

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Hanbach is a deserted area in the district of Heilbronn in Baden-Württemberg .


In the Hirsau Codex it is noted in an entry from 1146 that Uta von Calw, the sister of Count Palatine Gottfried von Calw , donated goods and duties to the Hirsau monastery in Heilbronn as well as the port and the village of Hanbach and the mountain called Nordberg around the year 1100 .


The exact location of Hanbach is unclear. Around 1900, Hanbach, which could be considered as a donation from Uta, was equated with a deserted area of ​​the same name near Willsbach . It was not until the early 1950s that Georg Albrecht located the place in what is now Heilbronn's inner city. According to this interpretation, Hanbach would be the village that developed around the former royal court (later the Deutschhof ) or was there before, the body of the same name would be today's Kirchbrunnenbach ( 49 ° 8 ′ 29.5 ″  N , 9 ° 13 ′ 3.9 ″  E ). The Nordberg refers to the Heilbronn Wartberg , which once bore this name. In 1957, Werner Heim assumed that Hanbach would be in the east of the city at the foot of the Wartberg ( 49 ° 8 ′ 59 ″  N , 9 ° 14 ′ 29 ″  E ). In this case, the water of the same name would have been a stream that came from the Sülmerried and flowed into the Pfühlbach . The current field name Breitloch and the current name of the brook Breitenlochgraben could point to the location.

To date, no clear opinion on the situation of Hanbach has emerged in research. All of the above theses were taken up again later.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Kingdom of Württemberg (1904), Vol. I, p. 661.
  2. ^ Georg Albrecht: Topography and history of Heilbronn. Illuminated from field names. In: Historischer Verein Heilbronn, publication 20 (1951) , pp. 51–115


  • Werner Heim: The devastation of the district of Heilbronn . In: Historischer Verein Heilbronn, 22nd publication . 1957, p. 40–74 (on Hanbach see p. 54 and p. 72).
  • Peter Wanner: Devastation in Heilbronn and the surrounding area. Preliminary report on a research desideratum. In: heilbronnica 2. Contributions to the history of the city , Heilbronn 2003 (sources and research on the history of the city of Heilbronn 15), pp. 9–50.

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