Hang Yin

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Hang Hubert Yin ( Chinese  尹 航 , Pinyin Yǐn Háng ; born July 5, 1976 ) is a Chinese biochemist . He is a professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Colorado Boulder . Due to his in-depth research in the field of biochemistry and drug development, he has already received numerous awards for young scientists.

After graduating from Peking University with a bachelor's degree , Yin received his PhD from Yale University in 2004 . He then worked for the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine as a postdoc under the direction of William DeGrado and has been a faculty member at the University of Colorado Boulder since 2007.

In 2012, his research group was able to show that morphine bound to the lymphocyte antigen 96 causes inflammation. This protein in turn binds an immunoreceptor, the so-called toll-like receptor 4. The morphine-induced activation of TLR4 results in the opioid suppressing pain perception . At the same time it leads to opioid tolerance, addiction, abuse as well as side effects such as B. Respiratory depression . The Yin working group was able to identify potential drug candidates that improve opioid-supported pain therapy. In June 2014 BioLineRx Ltd. ( NASDAQ : BLRX), a new compound developed by Yin for the treatment of neuropathic pain. In 2015, Yin published a new candidate for a new drug that could revolutionize the treatment of Parkinson's disease . The compound, CU-CPT22, could inhibit the severe inflammation of certain immune cells that may trigger Parkinson's disease.

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