Hanna Rabe

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Hanna Rabe (2016)

Hanna Rabe (* 1988 in Bielefeld ) is a German harpist .


Hanna Rabe began her artistic training at the Detmold University of Music , where she was taught by harpist Godelieve Schrama as a young student . After her artistic diploma, she passed the concert exam there in 2016 with distinction.

In 2012 she was the first harpist to win the Märkische Kulturkonferenz competition, whereupon she was awarded the Märkische Stipendium für Musik 2013. Furthermore, she is u. a. Prize winner of the international harp competition of the Franz Josef Reinl Foundation Munich / Vienna.

Concert engagements led her as a soloist, as an orchestral musician and chamber musician a. a. in the Münchner Gasteig , the Cologne Philharmonic , the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, the Aspen Music Festival ( USA ), the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival and the Salzburg Festival . She played harp concerts with the WDR Funkhaus Orchester Köln, the Dortmund Philharmonic, the Northwest German Philharmonic, the Folkwang Chamber Orchestra Essen , the Detmold Chamber Orchestra and the Hamburg Camerata . She played productions with West German Radio (WDR), North German Radio (NDR), Norwegian Radio (NKR) and BBC Radio 3 (London).

Web links

Official website of Hanna Rabe

Individual evidence

  1. Sven Koch: Celebrated harpist plays with the Young Symphony Orchestra. Lippische Landes-Zeitung, August 16, 2016, accessed on August 16, 2016 .
  2. Bruno Elberfeld: “Queens Duo” plays and lives music. Aachener Zeitung, March 14, 2016, accessed December 10, 2016 .