Hannes Brunner

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Hannes Brunner (born November 16, 1956 in Lucerne ) is a Swiss artist.

life and work

Hannes Brunner studied photography and sculpture at the Kassel Art College from 1977 to 1982 . He lived and worked in Zurich and New York from 1983 to 1994. From 1995 to 1997 he completed a degree in architecture at the ETH Zurich . From 1997 to 2003 Brunner was professor for sculpture and project art at the Muthesius Art Academy in Kiel, in 2005/2006 he had teaching assignments in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and from 2009 to 2013 a teaching assignment at the École cantonale d'Art du Valais, Sierre. Since 2012 he has been a professor of sculpture at the Berlin-Weissensee School of Art .

Against the background of a diverse media repertoire (photography, drawing, video, performance), Hannes Brunner pursues a cross-genre concept of sculpture that is dedicated to abstract objects and more complex social issues. The focus is on the problem of three-dimensional design, whereby Brunner orientates himself on a material culture of everyday use and breaks up his installation arrangements thematically and medially with partly performative or actionistic echoes. A central part of the work is also the rhetorical accompaniment by the artist, which is reflected in an extensive publication and mediation activity.


Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions
Group exhibitions
  • 1997: Series x Series. Works from the Peter and Elisabeth Bosshard Collection. Museum zu Allerheiligen , Schaffhausen
  • 2008: Long breath - Swiss art 1978 to 2008. Art (stuff) house , Rapperswil-Jona
  • 2011/2012: Kult Zürich Ausser Sihl - the other face. Malzfabrik, Berlin / Helmhaus , Zurich

Publications (selection)

  • Hannes Brunner. A la recherche du temps gagné. Edited by Dolores Denaro. Verlag für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg / CentrePasquArt, Nürnberg 2009, ISBN 978-3-941185-23-4 .
  • Prix ​​Meret Oppenheim 2001–2002. Interviews. Edited by Federal Office for Culture. Bern 2006, ISBN 3-9522701-3-4 .
  • Hannes Brunner. City walls. Edited by Beatrix Ruf . Ricco Bilger publishing house, Zurich 1996, ISBN 3-908010-95-0 .
  • Hannes Brunner: Banquet and extras / table talks. Edited by Markus Landert, Art Museum of the Canton of Thurgau. Winterthur 1993, DNB 931257492 .

Web links