Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Prize

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The Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Prize is a cultural promotion price provided by the Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Foundation in memory of Conrad Ferdinand Meyer since 1937 annually to a maximum of three visual artists , writers and scientists that are in any closer relationship to the Canton of Zurich are awarded, becomes. The endowment is CHF 20,000 per award winner (as of 2018).

The members of the Board of Trustees do not award sponsorship prizes on the basis of requests, but generally on the basis of proposals from the institutions authorized to do so according to the statutes.


The establishment of the Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Foundation , which CF Meyer's daughter Camilla Meyer (1879–1936) ordered in her will, established itself in 1937 as a non-profit organization with a foundation capital of CHF 300,000. She has since honored younger people from the fields of science and art. From 1999 the low interest income after covering the costs for banking, bookkeeping, auditing and supervision did not allow any further awards to be made. In 2014, the cantonal supervisory authority approved the conversion into a consumption foundation at the request of the foundation council, which is now responsible. This enabled the promotion of talented young professionals and the awarding of prizes to be resumed.

Award winners

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History - Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Foundation. Retrieved July 17, 2019 .