Prix ​​Meret Oppenheim

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The Prix ​​Meret Oppenheim (German: Meret Oppenheim Prize ) is a Swiss art prize . It was first awarded in 2001.


On an annual basis, the Swiss Federal Office of Culture (BAK) awards one or more Meret Oppenheim Prizes of 40,000 (previously 35,000) francs to recognized Swiss artists, architects and art mediators who are over 40 years old, on the recommendation of the Federal Art Commission . It is named after Meret Oppenheim (1913–1985), a German-Swiss surrealist artist and poet.

On the one hand, the prize is intended to facilitate the execution of an important work of art and, on the other hand, to honor the theoretical examination of one's own work and current art and architecture. The award ceremony takes place in June at Art Basel .

The Federal Prize for Fine Art and the grant from the Kiefer Hablitzel Foundation , which are also awarded annually to several award winners, are intended for younger artists, architects and art educators .

Award winners

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prix ​​Meret Oppenheim 2018. Federal Office of Culture , February 20, 2018, accessed on November 1, 2019 .
  2. Christoph Heim: Prix ​​Meret Oppenheim: Shirana Shahbazi awarded. The federal government honors an artist, two architects and an art critic. Basler Zeitung , March 14, 2019, accessed on May 2, 2019 .
  3. Laureates of the Swiss Grand Award for Art / Prix Meret Oppenheim 2020. July 3, 2020, accessed on July 5, 2020 .