Federal Art Commission

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The Federal Art Commission (EKK) ( French Commission fédérale des beaux-arts , Italian Commissione federale delle belle arti ) advises the Swiss Federal Council on cultural matters. It is elected by the Federal Council for a term of eight years and is subordinate to the Federal Department of Home Affairs .

History and task

The Federal Art Commission was brought into being on the basis of a federal decree of June 3, 1887 for the “Promotion and Promotion of Swiss Art” and the associated executive ordinance of April 18, 1888 and was first appointed on July 13. Initially, the members of the commission were appointed by the Swiss Art Association and the Society of Swiss Painters and Sculptors (GSMB) . Today the EKK is appointed by the Federal Council for a term of office of eight years each and consists of nine members. Candidates are proposed by the Federal Office of Culture and the members of the commission. The Federal Art Commission advises the Federal Office on all of its funding measures.

Among other things, the Art Commission is responsible for selecting the scholarship holders for the Federal Prize for Fine Art . It monitors the use of the grants and reports annually to the Federal Department of Home Affairs about their proper use. For their part, the scholarship holders report to the Art Commission in writing and with photo documentation about their artistic work since then.

The EKK also proposes candidates for the official presentation of large art exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale , the São Paulo and Cairo Biennials or the New Delhi Triennale. She advises the Federal Office on purchases in the Federal Art Collection, on booking artist studios abroad and on supporting art and communication projects in the field of new media . The Art Commission appoints four advisory experts in the field of architecture for a period of eight years.

Members of the Art Commission

In the past, the Federal Art Commission has been criticized for its unbalanced geographical composition and the discrimination against the Suisse romande , including when it comes to awarding grants. Meanwhile the composition is balanced.

The Art Commission consists of the following members until December 31, 2019:

Well-known former members (selection)

Carl Roman Abt , John M. Armleder , Albert Anker , Frank Buchser , Jacqueline Burckhardt (President), Alberto Camenzind , Bice Curiger , Franz Fedier (President), Max Huggler , Franz Meyer , Ernst Morgenthaler (President), Hans Sandreuter , Charles Vuillermet , Wilhelm Wartmann , Edoardo Berta .

Individual evidence

  1. Internet site of the Federal Office of Culture ( Memento of the original from June 9, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bak.admin.ch
  2. ^ Parliamentary question from 1996
  3. Statistics from the Federal Office of Culture ( Memento of the original from January 3, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.admin.ch
  4. Composition of the Art Commission