Hans Albert Offe

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Hans Albert Offe (* 1912 ; † 1993 ) was a German chemist.

Offe was at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biochemistry in Berlin and from 1941 did his military service in World War II. In 1946 he completed his habilitation in biochemistry in Tübingen and went to the research laboratories of Bayer AG .

In 1950 he developed the drug against tuberculosis Neoteben (isonicotinic acid hydrazide) under Gerhard Domagk .

In 1975 he received the Adolf von Baeyer Memorial Medal .


  • Armin Hermann, Armin Wankmüller, Physics, Physiological Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Tübingen, Tübingen: Mohr 1980, p. 73
  • Sabine Päuser: Isoniazid (Rimifon): first specific against tuberculosis, in: Lifesavers for millions, Editiones Roche, Basel 2012, p. 36f, pdf