Hans Demeter

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Hans Demeter (born December 27, 1905 in Munich ; † May 12, 1993 ibid) was a German politician ( SPD ).

Demeter attended elementary and commercial school and then volunteered at a bank in Romania . In 1925 he started as an employee in a Munich margarine factory, where he later became an authorized signatory. Also in 1925 he became a member of the SPD, after he had already joined the socialist youth workers in 1919 . In 1933 he belonged to the resistance movement and was questioned several times by the Gestapo , which also searched his house. From 1939 he worked as a freelance businessman and co-owner of a Munich tallow melt. In 1942 he was drafted into military service, where he was taken prisoner by the Soviets. He was released in 1948, at which time he was 50 percent damaged by the war. Its operations had been completely destroyed by bombs. In 1949 he got a new position as leaseholder and head of the Munich animal body recycling facility. From 1950 to 1970 he was a directly elected member of the Bavarian State Parliament . Demeter was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit on May 17, 1963 .

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