Hans Hafenbrack

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Hans Hafenbrack (born October 10, 1936 in Stuttgart ) is a German journalist and theologian.

From 1981 to 1998, Hafenbrack was the editor-in-chief of the central editorial office of the Evangelical Press Service (epd) in Frankfurt am Main. Until 1981 he was pastor of the evangelical community in Bad Mergentheim. Hafenbrack researched the history of the news agency and uncovered the forgery that the epd was banned in 1937. In fact, the epd was in the service of Nazi propaganda until 1941. The epd made this discovery public in 2002. Hafenbrack's book about the history of the Evangelical Press Service was published in June 2004 . The study, which is based on sources found and interviews with contemporary witnesses, comprises 663 pages. The honorary doctorate was awarded to Hans Hafenbrack in 2005 at the Institute Day of Dortmund Journalism.