Hans Mohwinkel

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Hans Mohwinkel , pseudonym Henry Mohwinkel ( May 16, 1862 in Hamburg - April 27, 1922 ibid) was a German opera singer ( baritone ) and singing teacher .


Mohwinkel, the son of a factory owner, wanted to devote himself permanently to a military career after graduating from high school, but then followed his great predilection for music and especially for singing and trained himself to such an extent through self-study in singing and musicology that he did his first in 1889 Engagement in Regensburg, where he made his debut as a “hunter” in night camp . There he found extraordinary support through the excellent artistic direction of his director. In addition, it aroused the interest of the Prince of Thurn und Taxis and was sent by him to Milan for detailed vocal studies. He entrusted himself there to one of the most important masters, the Professore di bel canto Alberto Selva , with whom he laid the basis of his singing knowledge. His next engagement was Cologne (inaugural role "Kühleborn"), then he came to Breslau (inaugural role "Telramund"), Riga (inaugural role "Hans Heilig"), Königsberg (inaugural role "Wolfram") and Mannheim (inaugural role "Wotan"), where he stayed until 1902.

From 1902 to 1907 he worked at the Hamburg Opera House. From 1907 to 1917 he worked as a singer and director at the Schwerin Court Theater and later in Hamburg as a singing teacher.

Mohwinkel, who was one of the esteemed hero-baritone players, had a large, powerful organ that sounded well in the lower and middle register and was distinguished by an almost tenoral sheen in the upper part. The same, of not unusual scope and of the best school, was repeated, especially in the role of "Hans Sachs", compared with that of Anton van Rooy . With tremendous vocal perseverance, he coped with this gigantic task and gave this whole part a very elegant artistic stamp. Not only was his extensive, fresh voice generally widely recognized, everything in the artist's acting relationship was well thought out and certainly characterized. Mohwinkel was not only an excellent Wagner singer, as demonstrated by his "Wotan" roles, his "Holländer" etc. and above all his "Hans Sachs", but also a splendid Mozart singer ("Don Juan", "Almaviva" etc.) . The following should also be emphasized: "Tell", "Rigoletto", "Lysiart", "Jung Werner", "Tonio", "Turiddu" etc.


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