Hans Pühn

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Hans Pühn (born November 5, 1943 in Roth ) is a German journalist and author.


At the end of the 1950s, Hans Pühn did an apprenticeship as a typesetter in a printing house in Roth . He worked in the profession for 16 years and then moved to the sports department of the Roth-Hilpoltsteiner Volkszeitung . In the course of his professional life he was promoted to editor-in-chief.

Pühn published several papers on regional events. In 2017 he wrote a novel about his mother's life during World War II and the post-war period. This was followed in 2018 by an autobiographical book on the history of the typesetter profession and its end due to technical developments, which he actively accompanied during his work at the newspaper publisher. A richly illustrated volume about the football player Heini Müller, who helped shape the golden era of the 50s and 60s of 1. FC Nürnberg, followed in 2019. A comprehensive biography about Werner Hoffmann, the Nuremberg-born author, dramaturge, director and producer of the theater "The Stage" was released in 2020.


  • Ironman . Fürth: Source Schickedanz, 1992
  • Magical moments . Roth: District of Roth, 2010
  • District of Roth - Really nice here . Roth: District of Roth, 2012
  • Hoffmann - the playmaker . Roth: Verlag Karl Müller, 2013 (about Werner Hoffmann and Die Bühne in Roth)
  • The history of the Roth-Hilpoltsteiner Volkszeitung 1856–2016 . Roth: Verlag Karl Müller vorm. Ms. Feuerlein GmbH, 2016
  • Mail for Leni. A life in the shadow of two world wars . Novel biography. Roth: City of Roth, 2017
  • The typesetter's bread. Memories of the lead time of the printed word . Roth, Mittelfr: District Office Roth, 2018
  • The game of his life. Heini Müller recalls the golden era of the club . Nuremberg 2019
  • From the life of a man possessed. Werner Hoffmann and his unlimited commitment as a theater actor. City of Roth 2020

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Kratzer: Come to revolutionize the world. Süddeutsche Zeitung December 25, 2018