Hans Pleikard of Gemmingen

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Hans Pleikard von Gemmingen (* 1546 ; † February 26, 1603 ) was the landlord in Steinegg .


He was the son of Eitel Dietrich von Gemmingen (1513–1568) and Ursula von Ehingen († 1549) from the Steinegg line of the barons of Gemmingen . He inherited his father's property in Steinegg, where he also took up residence. Numerous archive documents have been preserved from him. In 1587 he signed a contract with the community of Schellbronn because of a forest, in 1588 a contract with Hohenwarth because of wood justice. In 1592 he received a reminder from the margrave of Baden not to go into foreign military service.

On February 1, 1599, he drew up a description of his father's legacy. Among other things, it lists the house in the Steinegger Allmandgasse, which the father had lived in and which Hans Pleikard bought and had rebuilt, another house that the father had bought from Starkhen-Barbel and built, two houses in the Kirchgasse and half a house in Furtgasse, as well as the hunting lodge at Taulbronnen, which Eitel Dietrich had repaired for 500 guilders.

Since he left no male offspring, his property in Steinegg fell to Karl Dietrich von Gemmingen (1583–1629), a son of his cousin Wolf Dietrich (1560–1601).

The magnificent tomb for Hans Pleikard von Gemmingen and his second wife Maria von Freiberg is preserved in the church in Neuhausen .


His first marriage was to Anna Elisabeth von Venningen and his second marriage to Maria von Freiberg.


  • Maria Jakobea (1576–1581)
  • Rosina (* 1579) ⚭ Ludwig von Gemmingen-Gemmingen, Hans Karl von Merlau
  • Magdalena (* 1580) ⚭ Hans Adam von Ow
  • Eitel Dietrich (* 1583), died young
