Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation

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The Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Frankfurt am Main . It has set itself the task of decisively improving the living conditions of people with dementia and their relatives. The purpose of the foundation is to promote excellent scientific research in the fight against Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and to support scientific networks in the field of Alzheimer's research.

In addition, the foundation supports numerous projects in the areas of care, support and therapy that make a significant contribution to making life easier for people with dementia and their family members. One focus of the Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation is research funding. The focus is on two measures: the Alzheimer's research award and the Alzheimer's doctoral grants. In addition, the foundation promotes scientific cooperation and advocates a scientific network in the field of Alzheimer's disease.


The foundation was established in 2000 by the entrepreneur Hans Breuer. An important impulse for the establishment of the foundation came from the experiences that the Breuer family had themselves had with Alzheimer's disease. As with most people who are suddenly and unexpectedly confronted with dementia in their family circle, their situation was also characterized by ignorance and excessive demands , by helplessness and powerlessness . Both the stress and difficulties in dealing with the disease and its symptoms, as well as the feeling of being powerless at the mercy of it, prompted Hans Breuer and his family to take on the issue and get involved in the fight against Alzheimer's and other dementias.


The foundation consists of two foundation bodies: the board of directors and the foundation board of trustees. The foundation is based in Frankfurt am Main.

  • The foundation's board of directors consists of one or two people and is appointed for five years by the board of trustees. The task of the honorary board of directors is to administer the foundation and to conduct its business in accordance with the law, the foundation constitution and the requirements of the board of trustees.
  • The board of trustees of the Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation consists of six people. Together with the board of directors, they have the task of planning, coordinating and implementing the activities of the foundation, as well as monitoring the projects funded by the foundation. All members of the Board of Trustees work on a voluntary basis.

The foundation has already supported 20 projects with a total amount of around 1.7 million euros. This includes both scientific research projects and projects in the area of ​​helping those affected.

Alzheimer's Research Prize

The Alzheimer Research Prize, with the highest endowment in Germany with 100,000 euros, was awarded annually from 2006 to 2014 by the foundation to scientists who achieve outstanding achievements in the field of Alzheimer's research or similar dementias. It will be advertised every two years from 2014.

Prize winners:

PhD scholarships

The foundation has been awarding up to three doctoral grants per year since 2006 in order to promote outstanding achievements by young scientists.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prize winners. In: breuerstiftung.de. Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation, accessed on January 1, 2020 .
  2. Doctoral grants