Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert

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Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert (born July 29, 1941 in Berlin ) is a Romance scholar with a focus on French and Spanish literature.

life and work

Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert studied Romance and German in Mainz, Paris, Kiel, San Francisco and Munich. He received his doctorate in 1969 in Munich with the dissertation The French novel around 1625 (Munich 1973) and qualified as a professor in 1981 with the writing Reading as Dialogue. French moral studies from a textual typological perspective (Heidelberg 1986). From 1982 to 1984 he was a professor in Göttingen , from 1984 to 1995 in Bamberg and from 1996 to 2006 he held the chair for Romance literature (Spanish and French) in Jena .

Other works

  • Between cosmic revelation and word opera. Victor Hugo's romantic drama , Erlangen 1984.
  • (Ed.) The legitimation of everyday language in modern poetry. Answers from Europe and Latin America , Erlangen 1984.
  • (Ed. With Volker Roloff) The Spanish Novel from the Middle Ages to the Present , Düsseldorf 1986, Stuttgart and Weimar 1995.
  • (Ed. With Volker Roloff) The Spanish Theater from the Middle Ages to the Present , Düsseldorf 1988.
  • (Ed.) Ramón del Valle-Inclán (1866–1936). Files from the Bamberg Colloquium from March 6th to 8th November 1986 , Tübingen 1988.
  • Las literaturas hispánicas de vanguardia. Orientación bibliográfica , Frankfurt am Main 1991.
  • (Ed.) European avant-garde in a Latin American context. Files of the international Berlin colloquium 1989 = La vanguardia europea en el contexto latinoamericano , Frankfurt am Main 1991.
  • (Ed. With Volker Roloff) The Hispanoamerican novel , 2 vols., Darmstadt 1992.
  • (Ed.) Nuevos caminos en la investigación de los años 20 en España , Tübingen 1998.
  • (Ed. With Merlin H. Forster, Brigham Young University; K. David Jackson, Yale University): Bibliografía y Antología Crítica de las Vanguardias Literarias en el Mundo Ibérico , 9 vols., Frankfurt am Main and Madrid 1998–2010.
  • (Ed.) Naciendo el hombre Nuevo… Fundir literatura, artes y vida como práctica de las vanguardias en el Mundo Ibérico , Frankfurt am Main and Madrid 1999.
  • Las vanguardias literarias en España. Bibliografía y antología crítica , Frankfurt am Main and Madrid 1999.
  • (Ed. With Maria Lieber) German-language Romance studies - for whom? , Heidelberg 2002.
  • (Ed. With Dietrich Briesemeister ) From Spain to Germany and Weimar-Jena. Condensation of cultural relations in Goethe's time , Heidelberg 2003.
  • (Ed.) Dietrich Briesemeister, Spain from a German perspective. German-Spanish cultural relations yesterday and today , Tübingen 2004.
  • Weimar's husband in Leipzig. Johann Georg Keil (1781–1857) and his contribution to the cultural life of the epoch. A documented reconstruction , Heidelberg 2009.


  • Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Del placer y del esfuerzo de la lectura. Interpretaciones de la literatura española e hispanoamericana , published on his 65th birthday. by Dietrich Briesemeister, Claudia Hammerschmidt and Hubert Pöppel, Madrid 2006 (collective publication, translated into Spanish)

Web links
