Harley D. Nygren

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Nygren 1953

Harley D. Nygren (born 1924 in Seattle , United States ; † November 17, 2019 ) was the first director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Corps and oceanographer from 1970 to 1981 . Nygren participated in numerous expedition and survey campaigns in Arctic and Antarctic waters.

In 1942, Nygren volunteered for the United States Navy's reservist program ; In 1945, after completing a BA, he was granted an officer license. Before leaving the US Navy, he took part in the Crossroads nuclear weapons tests in Bikini Atoll in 1946 as a damage control officer on the target ship USS Hughes (DD-410) .

In 1947 he made a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering and entered the US Coast and Geodetic Survey , where he took part in numerous expeditions with the agency's various research vessels. In addition, he was also deployed several times in the Antarctic, including as an American contact for the British Antarctic Survey Expedition in 1962.

In 1968 he became the commandant of the USC & GS Surveyor and promoted to the rank of captain.

When USC & GS merged with other authorities to form NOAA in 1970, Nygren was appointed director of the uniformed members (NOAA performs civilian duties as well as sovereign duties for the United States), the so-called NOAA Corps , and he was promoted to the rank of rear Admirals (upper half) promoted; he remained in this position and rank until his retirement in 1981.

An undersea canyon on the continental shelf of the USA and Mount Nygren in Antarctica are named after Nygren .

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Commons : Harley D. Nygren  - Collection of images, videos and audio files