Hard rock

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Hard rock
Waters Scotia Lake
Archipelago South Orkney Islands
Geographical location 60 ° 40 ′  S , 44 ° 22 ′  W Coordinates: 60 ° 40 ′  S , 44 ° 22 ′  W
Hart Rock (South Orkney Islands)
Hard rock
Highest elevation m

The Hart Rock is a m high cliff rock in the archipelago of the South Orkney Islands . It rises from the sea 2.5 km northwest of Herdman Rocks and 5 km north-northeast of Cape Dundas from Laurie Island .

The first mapping goes back to the Third French Antarctic Expedition (1837-1840) under the direction of Jules Dumont d'Urville . Scientists from the British Discovery Investigations named him in 1933 after the British zoologist Thomas John Hart (1907-1970), who was a member of the scientific committee of this series of expeditions.

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