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Harus! (sometimes also Haarus! or HARUS! ) was the leader's greeting of the front movement in Switzerland at the time of fascism and national socialism in the 1930s:

«[...] The frontist. Dignity expressed itself in mass marches with the cult of flags, uniforms and weapons, in demonstrations in the open air or in closed rooms, where - the right arm raised in the Fiihrer's salute - "Harus!" Shouted, battle songs sung, incendiary speeches held, enemy images bred and ultimate threats were expelled. [...] »

The front movement derived the greeting from the similar sounding federal battle cry. Today, the magazine carries Swiss Nationalist Party (PNOS), a right-wing nationalist Swiss party, the title of "Haru!".


  1. ^ Walter Wolf: Front movement. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. PNOS, Harus!