Dress rehearsal

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A main rehearsal ( HP for short ) is a rehearsal in the theater that plays through the entire performance in the process and with the original decoration, costumes, props and lighting. It takes place shortly before the premiere of a play , an opera , an operetta or a concert and is therefore one of the final rehearsals. Two main rehearsals are usual at the German theater, whereby in the case of music theater one of them is usually accompanied by the piano (piano main rehearsal ) and another with an orchestra (orchestral main rehearsal). The second dress rehearsal is followed by the dress rehearsal . Further process samples with original equipment are usually listed under the abbreviation AMA (“Alles mit alles”).

A special feature of main and dress rehearsals is that, due to the complexity of tasks that coincide with them in performance practice, they usually do not have a fixed end time. In the music theater, a main rehearsal can also be divided into two rehearsals, the total time of which, however, must not exceed seven hours.
