House under the star

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The House under the Star (Polish: Kamienica pod Gwiazdą ) is a building in Toruń ( Poland ).

Facade of the rental house

The house is characterized by a late baroque facade with a gold star on the roof line (hence the name). Its current form was shaped by numerous alterations and renovations.


The house is located in the Old Town complex on the side of Old Town Market 35 (in Polish: Rynek Staromiejski ).


The house was built in the second half of the 13th century. During the Gothic period it was rebuilt several times and also changed hands. One of them was the teacher of the sons of Casimir IV. Andrew , poet and humanist Filippo Buonaccorsi (1437-1496), who was called Callimach. In the second half of the 16th century, the building was raised by the second floor and was given a multi-storey spatial arrangement that was characteristic of the bourgeois apartment buildings of the time and combined residential, commercial and storage functions. Galleries were also built in the middle part of the floors and a polychrome ceiling in the back of the ground floor. The ceiling on the first floor dates from around 1630–1640 and the second floor from around 1620 (moved from the apartment building in Altstädter Markt 24). At the end of the 17th century, the new owner, the old town councilor Johann Georg Zöbner, gave the building a baroque interior. The apartment building was given a baroque exterior with a richly decorated portal. The facade was decorated with stucco floral and fruit motifs. In the hallway there is a spiral staircase of the Danzig type, which is guarded by a Minerva figure and the lion with a shield.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the room on the first floor was decorated with an illusionistically painted colonnade in an Ionic order and pseudocassette ceilings. In the second half of the 19th century, the next time the tenement house was rebuilt, a second cast iron spiral staircase was built in place of a chimney.

Since 1970 the building has housed the "Art Museum of the Far East" (in Polish, Muzeum Sztuki Dalekiego Wschodu ).


Individual evidence

  1. Toruń, Atrakcje Torunia, Przewodnik po Toruniu, Zwiedzanie Torunia z przewodnikiem, Przewodnicy miejscy Toruń przewodnik miejski Informacja turystyczna, Zabytki Torunia i kujawsko-pomuńkieudia, Pierno-pomorskieu, Toruń, Muzieea, Twieruńkieu, Retrieved June 27, 2020 (Polish).
  2. Kamienica pod Gwiazdą | ,. Retrieved June 27, 2020 (Polish).
  3. Toruń - Kamienica Pod Gwiazdą. Atrakcje turystyczne Torunia. Ciekawe miejsca Torunia. Retrieved June 27, 2020 (Polish).
  4. Kamienica Pod Gwiazdą. Muzeum - Atrakcje Torunia - Przewodnik po Toruniu | Toruń Tour Toruński Portal Turystyczny. Retrieved June 27, 2020 (Polish).
