Hedwig Schmitz-Schweicker

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Hedwig Schmitz-Schweicker (* 19th century in Corfu ; † 20th century ) was a German singer.

In his childhood memories, Ludwig Curtius reports that the Schweicker sisters were born in Corfu, had orphans at an early age and were raised in Lindau by an aunt who regularly traveled to Hindelang for summer holidays with the girls , where they stayed at the “salt factor”. There he met Hedwig as a child and met again years later and made music with her: “Wonderful,” I said, “Hedwig, did you [sic!] Sing that. Every note was right. But [...] the whole thing remains too cool [...] more passion. ”The old aunt [...] sat knitting next to the piano to watch us. "Oh, doctor," she said, "let's leave it with passion, it will come soon enough." - It came with all bitterness. But Hedwig later became the first great Hugo Wolf singer in Germany.

According to a review in the magazine “Die Musik”, Hedwig Schweicker sang Wolf's sacred songs together with the singer Berger at a concert in the Johanneskirche in Stuttgart in 1904; a few years later this magazine read: "Recitals by the contralto Metzger-Proitzheim, as well as by Lula Mysz-Gmeiner and Hedwig Schmitz-Schweicker were only able to confirm favorable judgments that had already been made several times [...]"

On June 3, 1909, Hedwig Schmitz-Schweicker sang in the world premiere of the part “Yes, you are miserable” from Opus 13 by Othmar Schoeck in Stuttgart.

Since her marriage to the architect Bruno Schmitz , whose second wife she was, the singer has performed under the name Hedwig Schmitz-Schweicker.

Individual evidence

  1. in Curtius' spelling: Schwaiker; The spelling Schweiker is also common
  2. Ludwig Curtius, Hindelang and the grandmother. Hindelanger Hefte 6, Bad Hindelang 2009, ISBN 978-3-9812493-7-8 , p. 25.
  3. http://www.archive.org/stream/diemusik18gergoog/diemusik18gergoog_djvu.txt
  4. http://www.archive.org/stream/diemusik00gergoog/diemusik00gergoog_djvu.txt
  5. http://www.zb.uzh.ch/Medien/spezialsammlungen/musik/nachlaesse/schoeck.pdf
  6. http://www.duesseldorf.de/stadtarchiv/fortstufene/tektonik/deposita/4_21_0.shtml