Special education teacher

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Special educational needs teacher (HFL) are part of the teaching staff at special schools .

Area of ​​responsibility

The work of the special needs teachers is in all areas under the aspect of special education . This sees people holistically and tries to optimally select the wide range of pedagogical and therapeutic methods for the entrusted children and adolescents from various perspectives and to reconsider them again and again.

Special education teachers pursue a preventive and integrative approach in their work . Resource-oriented approaches to promoting awareness help to overcome individual "learning problems" in preparatory schools, mobile special educational aids and mobile special educational services .

Special needs teachers plan and design lessons in special needs education centers independently and on their own responsibility.

Situation in Bavaria

In Bavaria, around 1,300 special needs teachers are currently working in special needs schools and special needs centers with different focus areas, in school preparatory facilities (SVE), in early intervention centers , in regular facilities as mobile special needs help (msH) or as mobile special needs service (msD) in schools.


As a rule, special needs teachers work for state, private, church and municipal bodies.


The training to become a special needs teacher takes place differently in the different federal states. In Bavaria through an additional two-year training course. This is offered by the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture. The training is aimed at the staff for special education teaching aids (mostly educators at a) and foreman without special education or special education additional training that already several years in service needs school provided. The course is open to both state and privately employed staff.

The course deals in particular with the special educational priorities of mental development and physical and motor development.


In the Bavarian Education and Teaching Act ( BayEUG ) Art. 60, Paragraph 2, the activities of special needs teachers are described as follows:

(2) Special needs teachers, foremen and other staff for special needs teaching assistance at special schools and preparatory schools support the teaching and education activities of the teacher; As part of an overall plan drawn up jointly with the special school teachers, they participate in the upbringing, instruction and counseling of disabled children and young people who are at risk of disability. You take on this task independently and on your own responsibility and take part in other school events and administrative activities. Special needs teachers and the other staff for special needs teaching aids lead the groups of the school preparatory facilities in agreement with the special needs teacher and, in consultation with the special needs teacher, fulfill tasks of special needs support and advice within the framework of the mobile special needs services and aids.


Special education teachers work largely independently in practice. You create trimester plans, plan the lessons and hold them in consultation with the special needs teacher . In support centers they do a large part of the educational work. Depending on the individual institution, they often hold more lessons in a class than the responsible special education teacher.


Special needs teachers are usually paid according to the TV-L or TVöD . The grouping takes place in pay group 9. The special needs teachers criticize that they are underpaid for their responsible work. They are part of the teaching staff but are not paid as such.

The courses that were completed between 2005 and 2006 pose a particular problem. Since a time limit has been agreed in the new TV-L for pending probation advancements, these courses (for which a probation period of 4 years applies) can currently no longer be grouped higher. However, this was promised to the course participants with the course announcement.


The interests of special needs teachers are represented in Bavaria by the professional association of special needs teachers - HFL for short . The professional association advocates the concerns of special needs teachers, special needs teaching aids and foremen. In negotiations with the Bavarian Ministry of Culture, this association succeeded in agreeing the professional title of special needs teacher for special needs teaching aids with the corresponding training.

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