Special education teacher
As a special education or special education teacher , a teacher is called that at a state or private special school on the basis of special education teaching. In the meantime, more and more special needs teachers are teaching in so-called integrative or inclusive classes, where they are primarily responsible for children with identified special educational needs. Chance operate special education or special education teachers in the extracurricular area points of diploma - special education teachers . Since education in Germany is the responsibility of the federal states, different terms are used in different federal states.
Training (in Germany)
The training of the special school teacher comprises two training phases in Germany: The basis is a study for teaching at special or special schools at a university or teacher training college (only in Baden-Württemberg ). It encompasses general educational sciences as well as special education and subject didactic content and concludes with the first state examination. The special educational content is covered in two subjects (only one subject is required in Bavaria), which correspond to the types of special needs schools. The following special educational priorities are available:
- Pedagogy for people with learning disabilities , pedagogy for learning disabilities
- Education for the blind and for the visually impaired
- Deaf education and education for the hard of hearing ( education for the hearing impaired, sign language education )
- Speech therapy
- Physically handicapped education
- Education for the mentally handicapped
- Pedagogy for behavioral disorders (for emotional and social disorders), behavioral pedagogy
The standard period of study is nine, in Baden-Württemberg eight semesters ; the following legal traineeship lasts one and a half or two years, depending on the state, and is completed at one or two special needs schools or in an integrative or inclusive school. It ends with the second state examination .
job profile
The important tasks of the special education teacher include B. preparing and delivering lessons, preparing special needs reports and attending conferences . The actual tasks differ greatly depending on the type of special school the special needs teacher is working on. While he often teaches a class alone at a school for children with a learning or language disability , a large team of teachers is often formed to supervise a class in schools for children with a physical or mental disability .
In the meantime, the change in the current didactic concepts in the special school sector from a pedagogy that is specifically geared towards the damage to a learning and developmental psychological perspective has also brought about a change in the professional profile. Special school teachers are also used at outpatient support centers and in joint teaching.