Heinrich Sommerfeld

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Heinrich Sommerfeld (born July 9, 1884 in Dessau , † December 8, 1950 in Hünfeld ) was a German economist .


Heinrich Sommerfeld studied business and economics in Leipzig . In 1912 he became a member of the Corps Hermunduria Leipzig. Later he became the old man of the Corps Hansea Mannheim. He completed his studies with the state examination for a degree in business administration. He was also awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. In 1918 he received a lectureship at the Polytechnic in Koethen . In 1920 he accepted a call as a full professor at the Mannheim Commercial College . In 1923 he was appointed honorary professor and in 1933 full professor of business administration at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg .

Sommerfeld was a member of the SA and in 1937 a member of the NSDAP (# 4463594), he was also a supporting member of the SS . In 1939 he moved to the University of Breslau as a full professor of business administration . After Breslau became Polish in 1945, he initially accepted a teaching position in business administration at the Georg-August University in Göttingen in 1948 . From 1949 until his death in 1950 he taught at the University of Cologne .


  • The valuations in the inventory taking into account tax regulations , 1921, 2nd edition 1923
  • The technology of the stock market futures business (fixed, premium, rack and still business) in an analytical-synthetic representation , 1923, 2nd revised edition 1929
  • Die Goldmarkbuchhaltung , 1923, 2nd edition 1924
  • The business theory of subscription rights , 1927
  • Stock exchange and stock exchange transactions , 1931
  • The entrepreneur as administrator of the national wealth , 1934

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Individual evidence

  1. Erwin Willmann (Ed.): Directory of the old Rudolstädter Corps students. (AH. List of the RSC.) , 1928 edition, No. 4669
  2. ^ Peter Mantel: Business Administration and National Socialism: An Institutional and Personal History Study . Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8349-8515-6 , p. 841