Kidnapping of Heinrich Strübig and Thomas Kemptner

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Heinrich Strübig (born April 21, 1941 in Lüneburg ) and Thomas Kemptner (born 1961) are two German peace workers from the Asme-Humanitas organization who were kidnapped in Lebanon on May 16, 1989 . The kidnappers demanded the release of Mohammed Ali Hammadi, who was imprisoned in Germany for murder, and his brother Abbas, who was also imprisoned in Germany.

Strübig had already been active for Asme-Humanitas in Lebanon for a long time, while the trained nurse Kemptner had been active for Asme-Humanitas for 10 days when he was kidnapped. Strübig was kidnapped on May 4, 1989, but released shortly afterwards. Following the kidnapping, Asme-Humanitas was criticized for continuing to be active in Lebanon despite warnings, including from the Foreign Office , and Asme-Humanitas was judged negatively by the German Central Institute for Social Issues even before the kidnapping the organization acts in a non-transparent manner.

The federal government refused to release the Hammadi brothers. When further hostages were released from other western countries in December 1991, Strübig and Kemptner were not among them. Instead, on Christmas 1991, they had to wear suits in front of a Christmas tree to emphasize the kidnappers' demands. Strübig and Kemptner were mistreated several times during their imprisonment.

In June 1992, 1128 days after the kidnapping, Strübig and Kemptner were released, although the Hammadi brothers were still in prison. The reasons for the release are unclear.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A hostage has to pay taxes on (September 26, 1994), accessed on May 13, 2017