Heinrich von Bodendieck

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Heinrich von Bodendieck († 1406 ; also Heinrich II .; von Bodenleck ) was Bishop of Brandenburg from 1393 to 1406 . He belonged to the Premonstratensian Order . He was the second bishop of Brandenburg to be named Heinrich.


His election as the new Bishop of Brandenburg must have been shortly after the death of his predecessor Dietrich von der Schulenburg . Until then he was canon of Brandenburg. On July 9, 1393 he received permission from Pope Boniface IX. to be ordained bishop. The ordination as Bishop of Brandenburg took place before January 30, 1394. Heinrich von Bodendieck died in the second half of 1406.


Main seal

The main seal is round. It shows the monastery saints standing in the seal field under a Gothic canopy. Peter is on the right and Paul on the left . At your feet on the left the family coat of arms and on the right the monastery coat of arms. The legend in Gothic minuscule reads: S · Hinricus · eps - ecce · brandeborge .

Secretion seal

The secretion seal is round. In the seal area, within a three-pass, there is Peter on the left and Paul on the right . On the lower right is the family coat of arms and on the lower left the monastery coat of arms. The inscription in Gothic minuscule reads: † Secretum · Hen - rici · Episcopi - Brandeburg .


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predecessor Office successor
Dietrich II. Bishop of Brandenburg