Heinz-Werner Nörenberg

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Heinz-Werner Nörenberg (born February 23, 1940 in Berlin ) is a German classical philologist .

Nörenberg first attended elementary school in Berlin and, after his family moved, the Lessing grammar school in Frankfurt am Main. After high school he studied classical philology at the University of Frankfurt , where he on February 7, the 1968 Harald Patzer and Walther Ludwig with a thesis on the Divine and the nature of the signature on the sacred disease doctorate was.

After completing his doctorate, Nörenberg worked at the University of Mannheim , where he was appointed academic councilor and senior councilor. In 1976 he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , where he was promoted to academic director. In 2005 he retired.

Nörenberg was editor of Gnomon magazine from September 1968 to 2005 .


  • Vade Mecum of History , 4th Edition (2000), p. 499