Heinz Hinners

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Heinz Hinners (born July 26, 1912 in Bremen ; † March 5, 1990 in Bremen) was a local office manager and politician ( SPD ) from Bremen and he was a member of the Bremen citizenship .


education and profession

Hinners was in place of Georg Schumacher (SPD) 1948-1975 head of the local office by Oster wood and it was replaced after 27 years of service of Gero Rosik (SPD).


Hinners was a member of the SPD in Bremen in a local association in Osterholz.

From 1955 to 1967 he was a member of the Bremen citizenship for the SPD for twelve years and worked in various deputations and committees of the citizenship and spokesman for the building deputation. Since he wanted to remain head of the local office, he could not be re-elected as a member of the citizenship from 1967 onwards due to the then applicable regulation of the incompatibility of office and citizenship mandate.

As head of the local office, he played a key role in the development of the district and the Blockdiek settlement in the 1960s and 1970s. He coordinated the Blockdiek interest group (IgBl), in which representatives from nine organizations and associations were initially involved. The construction of the comprehensive school Bremen-Ost (GSO) on Walliser Straße also declined due to his and that of the member of parliament Ewald Launspach (SPD).

Further memberships

In 1945, Hinners co-founded and rebuilt the Osterholz-Tenever gymnastics and sports club . Since 1945 he was chairman of the large association for a long time.


The Heinz-Hinners-Platz in Bremen Alt-Osterholz was named after him.


  • Norbert Korfmacher: Directory of members of the Bremen citizenship 1946 to 1996 (= local politics. Volume 1). LIT, Münster 1997, ISBN 3-8258-3212-0 .