Heinz Warnecke

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Heinz Warnecke (* 1953 ) is a German business economist , historian and book author . His research focus is ancient historical geography.


After completing a technical college entrance qualification and studying business administration , Warnecke initially worked in a trading company and a management consultancy, but soon devoted himself to historical questions and received his doctorate in 1987. phil.

The reconstruction of Paul's journey

In his dissertation , Warnecke explained that, contrary to the doctrinal opinion of the time , the apostle Paul was stranded and overwintered not on Malta , but on the western Greek island of Kefalonia .

The location in Malta is based on a misinterpretation of the island name Melite . Warnecke's argument also received wide attention outside the historical sciences and was quickly recognized, also because it confirmed the authenticity of the Lukas report.

Studies on the Odyssey

In 2008 Warnecke's book Homer's Wild West appeared , in which he dealt with the geographical reconstruction of Odysseus' odyssey. He does not question the fictionality of the Homeric Odyssey, but assumes that Homer referred to real places in his story. Warnecke also explains in the book that the Homeric Ithaca , the homeland of Odysseus, is actually the much larger neighboring island of Kefalonia - a thesis that other researchers have already argued.

Further research

In further research, Warnecke dealt with the wreck of Mahdia . Here, too, Warnecke deviated from the doctrine of both the age and the route of the ship. In contrast to earlier work, in this case he has not yet been able to assert himself in the professional world.

In another project, Warnecke recreated a three-meter-high, quasi-antique marble saw with eight saw blades to prove that stonemasons in antiquity could not only have cut their marble, but also saw it.


Heinz Warnecke is an honorary citizen of the administrative district of Kefalonia and Ithaka.

Individual evidence

  1. Heinz Warnecke, Thomas Schirrmacher: Was Paul really in Malta? Neuhausen, 1992; Heinz Warnecke: Paul in the storm. Nuremberg, 2000. ISBN 978-3-933372-29-1 .
  2. Paul was never in Malta. ZEIT, December 23, 1988
  3. Reviews of the dissertation on thomasschirrmacher.info .
  4. SWR Knowledge: Aula. Homer's Wild West, audio and broadcast manuscript
  5. Heinz Warnecke: Homer's Wild West: The historical-geographical rebirth of the Odyssey. Stuttgart, 2008.
  6. Mystery of Mahdia. TIME, Sept. 9, 1994.