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Fuel is a fuel whose chemical energy is used to generate heat through combustion .

The term is differentiated from fuel that is used to operate internal combustion engines in order to be converted into mechanical drive force. German tax law (see Energy Tax Act ) differentiates between the use of a fuel in different taxation. A distinction is technically difficult; for example, diesel fuel and heating oil are almost identical chemically. However, fuels have to burn very quickly, so that slowly burning solid substances, e.g. B. coal , are practically only in use as a fuel.

Individual evidence

  1. Bassam Khazzoum, Carsten Kudla and Ralf Reuter: Energy and Taxes: Energy and Electricity Tax Law in Practice . Springer, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8349-6504-2 , pp. 83-84 .
  2. ^ Bernhard Neumann: Textbook of chemical technology and metallurgy: I Fuels Inorganic branches of industry . 1939, ISBN 978-3-642-90199-7 , solid and liquid fuels, heating and power gases, p. 98-100 .